just $125 per job
- 30 day job ad
- Same price - any location
- Company logo/branding
- Confidential job ads
- No long term commitment
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Job posting solutions
Compare Solutions | Pay as you go | Subscription | Imports | ||
Recommended for: | 1 to 10 jobs per month |
10 to 25 jobs per month |
25 to unlimited jobs per month |
30 day job ad - expires automatically | |||||
Company logo/branding included | |||||
Confidential job ads | |||||
ATS linking provided | |||||
12 month rate lock | |||||
Tiered discount pricing | |||||
Resume search included | |||||
Featured Employer included | |||||
Fully managed account | |||||
Development/Tech support included | |||||
Daily incremental updates | |||||
Post a job | Subscriptions & imports, please call for pricing and details 877-682-6200 |
Employer account access restored
October 24, 2022
Temporary credentials have been created for all Employer accounts. These credentials will be emailed to each Employer today.
When you receive your temporary credentials, be sure to sign in and update your username and password. You may also recover the temprary credentials by submitting your email address here: Recover Credentials
The following data was affected:
- Employer sub-account users (all)
- Job Descriptions (less than 2%)
- ATS application links per job ad (all)
- Confidential job ad selection per job ad (all)
- Benefits selection per job ad (all)
The following data has been recovered and restored:
- Employer Accounts: 100%
- Employer Primary Account Holders: 100%
- Active Job Ads: 100%
- Prior Job Ads: 100%
- Renewal, Highlight and Bump activity: 100%
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